



The Well and Balanced Mom is a site dedicated to YOU, Momma.

It’s a place to find tips, inspiration, and insight on how to balance your life and make the most of the precious years you have before your children leave home.


Through this blog, I hope you’re inspired to keep yourself a priority as you navigate through one of the hardest, but most rewarding times in your life.


You may feel like taking care of yourself is not important or worse— selfish. But your children deserve a mother who models self-care, who values herself, and who rests, so that she can be the best mother possible for them.  When we fill up our own cups, we are more able to pour into others.


It is my strong belief that well and balanced moms are more likely to raise well and balanced children. So if you can’t do it for you, then do it for them. ♥



“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress.” -Sophia Bush




​My name is Mandy Youtz. I am a wife, mom, blogger, certified life coach, and owner of TheWellandBalancedMom.com.

I am passionate about my faith, family, and finding ways to serve others. I can often be found visiting Disney World, watching football,  or dancing around my kitchen with my three girls.

I was inspired to start my personal growth and wellness journey after having my first daughter.  Since then, I have gotten into shape for the first time in my life, worked my family out of $40k in debt, organized my once-cluttered home, and quit my full-time job to pursue my passion and spend more time with my family.

I started my coaching career strictly as a health and fitness coach. But after coaching dozens of women, I realized that something was missing.  Health and fitness, though crucial to overall wellness, are only pieces of a complex puzzle.

I decided to pursue life coaching in order to help women in ALL areas of life, including their careers & finances, relationships, spiritual life, and thought patterns. I have been certified through Integrative Wellness Academy since the end of 2016.

“No calling is greater, nobler, or more fulfilling than that of motherhood.”-Sally Clarkson



Let’s start from a more familiar place- life coaching. A life coach is someone who typically is known for helping their clients reach a goal or make a change in their life.

An Integrative Wellness and Life Coach does all that AND helps their clients to heal core issues and negative patterns while empowering them to change their life with effective tools, techniques, and specific action plans.

An Integrative Wellness and Life Coach helps clients gain freedom from the past, overcome habits and patterns that block fulfillment in an area of life and take the actions necessary to live the life they have always desired.  They do this through a holistic and integrative approach of coaching towards balance (harmony or wholeness) in all four body systems: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

(Definition by Rachel Eva, founder of IWA)

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